
If there is to be peace in the world, …there must be peace in the heart.” -Lao Tzu,6th century Chinese philosopher and ascribed author of the “Tao Te Ching”

Peace must begin within self.." -Edgar Cayce, America's Sleeping Prophet, Psychic, and Member of "Disciples of Christ"

Seek peace, and pursue it." -Proverbs 34:14, Holy Bible

Seven Minutes with Christ Devotion
To be said during the Christ Hour - every 8 - 8:07 p.m.

(A powerful once a day technique to bathe the Philippines, your
home and yourself with Christ’s peace, power and blessings.)

1.         Close your eyes.  Sit comfortably and relax.
Focus on your heart.  Feel your heart as the center of your being surrounded by the Kingdom of Heaven.
Feel Christ presence in your heart.  Feel one at a time the  essence of joy, health, strength, vitality, peace, power, prosperity, light, life, love, and kindness.  
(5 minutes)
Be passive.  Just relax.  Don’t think or feel anything.  Allow the Christ spirit to fill your being. (2 minutes)
Practice the Devotion for 40 straight nights.

Prayers - Major Benefits

If done with a childlike disposition, full intent, solid faith, and sincere heart, the 40-day 7 Minutes with CHRIST DEVOTION brings countless miracles in your life and in the lives of those you dearly love.
Below are some of theMAJOR BENEFITSof this habit if done during the Christ Hour every night beyond the 40days of participating in the COMBINED LIGHT Christ Devotion with peacemakers worldwide:

1. You increase your heavenly merits even as you prevent the occurrence of certain sufferings and hardships due as  punishment for your past sins and offenses.

2.  You gradually become powerful in overcoming your negativehabits and vices,and become more resolved to attain the successful person you want to be.

3.  You become more strongly resistant to all kinds of illnesses
and if sick, you obtain the ability to recover faster.

4. You obtain the graces you need to attain prosperity and peace.

5.  You attune to the Christ Spirit, making it easier for you to grow in faith and in righteous deeds, develop intuition, gain inspiration, and maintain a joyful, childlike disposition.

 6. You become a vessel through which the Godly rays of Peace, Love and Goodness flow to humanity.

7.  You become a magnet to unending opportunities and good fortunes that your heart desires.

8.  You grow christ consciousness and become a transformed person living a directed, new and charmed life

7 Minutes with Christ Copyright 2001-2009